EDIT 2000

Introduction to Computers for Teachers


Learning Story

How Do You Learn?

For Tuesday's class, write a story about a time that you learned how to do something. Perhaps it was when you learned how to ride a bike or learned how to cook your favorite dish.

As a class, we’ll share what we learned and how we learned it.
  1. Did your motivation to learn the skill affect how quickly you learned it?
  2. Did you utilize some type of learning tool to acquire the skill?
  3. Do you still possess the skill?
  4. If you were to teach someone this same skill – would you teach them the same way?
  5. What does any of this have to do with technology in your life and in your future classroom?
This is a class participation* activity.
* Class participation is 15% of your grade in this course and it is not based solely on attendance. Just showing up for class isn’t enough. We will discuss what participation should look like, including what gets in the way of participating, how class can be structured so that it’s easy to participate, how participation is viewed differently from a teacher/student perspective, and why this matters in a technology course.