It has been suggested that the class share portfolio links and Twitter usernames to help foster collaboration and understanding. If you do not wish to participate in this endeavor, you have a few options. (1) Keep your settings private to prevent any unauthorized viewers from seeing your website or Tweets and/or (2) Let me know that you would like your information removed from this list. Keep in mind that if you do want to participate, your privacy settings may prevent your classmates from being able to see the information. You'll want to approve their follow request on Twitter and add them as an authorized viewer to your site.
Name/Portfolio Link | Twitter ID | Google ID |
Heather Bishop | @HeatherBishop08 | HeatherBishop08 |
Sara Call | @call_forest | scall2489 |
Janna Chapman | @jannachap | janna.chapman |
Jessica Cook | @Jdawg22 | jesse.cook87 |
Kitty Cowart | @kittycowart | ccowart1 |
Ashley Destefani | @ashleydestefani | ashley.destefani |
Kim Duong | @Nemo_Rice | kduong21 |
Kristen Hall | @kdhall1989 | kdhall1989 |
Jordan Harrison | @jordaneharrison | jeh0323 |
Leslie Herskowitz | @lezhersky | lsherskowitz |
Jared Massie | @jmassie13 | jmassie13 |
Carly Migdall | @carlymigdall | carly.migdall |
Sara Mullis | @samullis | samullis1010 |
Jenny Sangalis | @jsangalis | jsangalis |
Mary Margaret Schley | @mmschley | mmschley |
Eliza Seymour | @teish101 | Teish101 |
Alison Slutsky | @alislutsky | aslutsky17 |
Elizabeth Sowa | @sowacool | elizsowa |
Ashley Troutt | @AshTeeee | ashleytroutt06 |
Shelby Turner | @sturner921 | sturner092191 |
Shelly Woodward | @shellywoodward | woodwardshelly |
DeLaney Young | @youngd | youngdelaney |